Record and manage telephone poles & test cycles

An effective pole inspection program strikes a balance between accurately identifying poles that put both system reliability and human life at risk while minimising the number of still serviceable poles being replaced. The Confideo Pole Manager provides powerful querying tools that allow users to get the information they need. The pole displays can be filtered using a wide range of criteria and the Confideo Pole Manager provides reports that allow you to see the precise status of your pole testing regime. When a pole is found to be dangerous several planning steps must be taken, starting with the dangerous pole report being submitted, and ending with the field work being signed off. Confideo Pole Manager contains business logic to control and manage this process. At each step in the workflow process selected groups of users can be automatically informed of progress.

Confideo Pole Manager is an extension to TNAPS Line Plant designed specifically to record and manage telegraph pole information. Any network that has poles in its inventory, be they telegraph poles, electricity poles or lampposts, needs a system to record and manage them efficiently.

The software has been developed with a real world knowledge of the networks in use by our customers. The result is, it models networks and inventory in a way that is instantly accessible and recognisable to users. The application can be tailored to fit your network, this includes all aspects of the system from simple things like the format of your pole identifiers all the through to the business logic behind the testing workflow. Allows the exact position of a pole to be captured by using an application on a GPS enabled mobile device.

Key features include:

  • Workflow managed testing and test cycles
  • Advanced querying and reporting
  • Real time queries using a client on a mobile device providing accurate, up-to-date information back into the business
  • Easy to use interface
  • Integration with other core systems
  • Customisable to your network and work practices
  • Engineer Tracking via GPS

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